Thursday, November 29, 2007

Who You Are

These past couple of days I have realized: you don't know who you really are until you have someone or something bring it out. Until Korbin was born I had no idea who I was or where I belonged. I was never happy with life or where my choices had taken me. I am now thrilled to know that I am where I belong and a mom is what I am meant to be. I have never felt so close to someone else and the joy he has brought is unexplainable.

Korbin is a reflection of myself. When I am happy, he is usually happy. He knows when I am sad because it shows...his personality becomes contained and he somehow gives off an "understanding" feeling. As though he sees and feels exactly what I feel. Call me crazy...

To have someone be a part of you like that is truly a blessing. An unbelievable feeling that only a mom could understand.

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